Here’s an old fable that I came across in a video.
A wolf saw a new born lamb, and said “Hey, you were the one who dirtied my water last year!” The lamb defended, “No sir, it wasn’t me”. “No, I know it was you!!” the wolf insisted. The lamb tried to explain, “But sir, I was only born this year. How could have I possibly dirtied your water last year?” “So it must have been your mother then for which you must pay”, and thus the wolf started feasting on the lamb.
The mother sheep came by, and what could the poor mother do when she saw her son between the jaws of the wolf torn into pieces? In passion of her motherhood, she head butted the wolf. Of course, the wolf was not affected by the mother sheep, but shouted out to other animals, “Look at this terrorist, head butting me”. The parrots heard the loud wolf, repeated in numbers what the wolf was shouting, and joined in voice “Yes, we condemn the ewe butting the wolf.” Where were the parrots when the wolf ate the lamb?
The above fable was used by Osama Bin Laden when developing an analogy for the 9/11 attacks back in 2011, the wolf being USA, the water being Israel, the lamb being Palestine, the mother sheep being Iraq, and the parrots being the western media.
Of course, we now know through conspiracy theories, Osama’s logic was fairly scripted, as the attacks were portrayed as an act of defence. My personal modification of the story would be:
The wolf assembles a loud group of smaller wolves in sheep clothing, instructs them to bite and scratch it and then yell out to the parrots that the mother sheep and her clan did so.
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